If it is true what that they; ?opportunity only knocks once?, does that include network marketing business opportunity? Can a home-based business opportunity really be one that you just should not pass up? After all, there are so many negative perceptions of organizations that are behind these opportunities. The truth is, there are certainly companies that are not running legitimate businesses, but many are solid opportunities to build a substantial income and be your own boss. Careful evaluation of the opportunity is key to not wasting your time.
Any job requires some form of training and home-based business opportunities are no different. As a matter of fact, training is crucial and you should evaluate the training and mentoring component of your new found opportunity. Without it you will not succeed and you should probably pass and move on. Training via phone and internet should be readily available ? you?ll want to join a company that is technology savvy when it comes to training so you do not have to rely solely on face to face training sessions.
Now look at whether the company offers products that are needed and usable? Since you will be looking to grow your business you will want to develop repeat customers so the product should be one that customers will keep coming back to buy. Your business will grow exponentially if while you are adding new customers, old ones are returning to continue to buy your product on a recurring basis. Having a distinctive product is helpful ? what is the unique selling proposition for the product? What is the competition? How simple is it for customers to get the same exact or very similar product from elsewhere (and how much would it cost?)
Next, find out the history of the company. Many network marketing companies are in and out of business within 5 years. Does the company have an established history? Read the company history and make sure that it is a reputable organization that you can be proud to associate yourself with.
Another consideration is how much will you need to invest in order to get started? High entrance fees (e.g. in the thousands of dollars) are something you should see as a potential red flag. It could mean that the product is difficult to sell and does not generate repeat business. The product may be extremely difficult to sell yet the company wants you to purchase a large inventory? You may want to pass if this is the case.
Finally, be sure that you review the compensation plan. Know what your income goals are for the business and figure out whether this company?s compensation plan can get you there within a few years time. There are numerous compensation structures, so take your time, review, and understand your profit potential.
Since networking marketing business opportunities are by definition built on a network of people working together toward a common goal you should get a solid sense of the leadership in terms of their ability to be trusted. You don?t want to get involved with a company that offers get rich quick promises and hype. Sure, there will be excitement at the onset but there is a difference between excitement and long term dependability. You need to trust the leadership, it is vital.
Now, are you willing to change? When and if you decide that the opportunity that is knocking is the right one for you, you will need to put in all the time and effort that any new business requires. You have to be willing to commit for 2-5 years to see your business grow to a level of generating substantial passive income. You will need to set goals in order to be successful. If you can think and act like a true business owner than you may have what it takes and this opportunity will potentially give you the lifestyle and freedom that you have always wanted. Listen, is that a knock you hear?
Source: http://www.buyingintentions.com/?p=407
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