বুধবার, ৬ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Can I Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Without Going To The Doctor?

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By eating supportive diet, leading a healthy lifestyle and taking support of herbs to cure the problem you can get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of anal passage which bleed and cause pain during or after bowel movements. These are of two types, internal and external, internal hemorrhoids are painless but bleed whereas external hemorrhoids are painful but usually do not bleed. External hemorrhoids do not bleed but are prone to thrombosis which is a condition related with rupturing of veins.

Internal hemorrhoids are located deep in anal passage where there are no pain transmitters hence you do not feel the pain. External hemorrhoids are located close to anal opening where pain transmitters can pass their signal to brain; external hemorrhoids can be seen as a bump on anal lining or as a bulge in the anal opening. Whether you are suffering with internal or external hemorrhoid you can get rid of hemorrhoid without going to doctor with proper and regular treatment.

If a person eats fibrous diet which is easily digestible and avoid spicy, oily, greasy and refined foods it keeps digestion healthy and avoid problems like constipation or slow metabolism. Leading an active lifestyle which includes mild exercises like walking, jogging etc, few small meals in place of two large meals and healthy sleeping pattern also improve digestion and keep excretion of waste matter healthy to counter occurrence of hemorrhoid. When healthy diet and lifestyle are supported by use of effective herbs one can get rid of hemorrhoid without going to doctor in a short time.

Problems like constipation, slow metabolism and diarrhea are major causes of hemorrhoids; excessive pressure on anal region caused generally by pregnancy, obesity, long sitting hours, heavy exercises, lifting heavy objects and strenuous lifestyle also cause hemorrhoids. People eating spicy and too much refined or processed foods suffer with constipation or slow metabolism which can lead to hemorrhoids, feces formed due to digested spicy foods contain chemicals which can irritate veins of anal passage and inflame them to cause hemorrhoids. Herbs can treat hemorrhoids occurring due to any of these reasons, by using effective herbs in right combination and supporting their effects with diet and lifestyle changes you can get rid of hemorrhoid without going to doctor safely and can keep them at bay forever.

In order to gain benefits of all the effective herbs with each dose use of Pilesgon capsule is most suitable. Pilesgon capsules contain herbs which shrink pile mass, stop pain and bleeding in a short time. These capsules improve vascular musculature and elasticity in walls of veins present in anal passage. Pilesgon capsules also contain herbs which improve digestion and counter problems like constipation, slow metabolism and diarrhea, these are major causes of hemorrhoids as these cast pressure on the walls of anal passage and irritate the veins.

These capsules provide immediate relief by diffusing swelling, burning, itching and repairing damaged tissues; these capsules tone walls of veins by improving vascular circulation which prevent hemorrhoids from occurring again and again. Pilesgon capsules with healthy diet and lifestyle provide most effective and safe way to get rid of hemorrhoid without going to the doctor and also to prevent them from occurring in future.

Source: http://dev.submitarticlemarketing.com/medicine-health/conditions-medical/can-i-get-rid-of-hemorrhoids-without-going-to-the-doctor-2/

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