A hallmark of a probable multi-level marketing scam is exaggerated claims of overnight riches. A company that promotes get-rich-quick schemes is almost assuredly getting rich by taking advantage of naive people who actually believe it's possible to purchase some type of kit, perhaps set up a cheap website, and wake up each morning to instant wealth. The real world just doesn't work that way. Legitimate multi-level marketing companies, whether they are secular or Christian mlm business opportunities, may promote the success of top salespersons, but should also provide honest information on the work that is required to achieve that same level of success. That leads to the second sign of a multi-level marketing scam. A pyramid masquerading as a legitimate company usually emphasizes recruiting over sales. Money is made by signing up new people into the company in what is often referred to as a downline or team. Often an individual makes a percentage from her recruits, a smaller percentage from her recruits' recruits, and so on. But a legitimate secular or Christian mlm business venture actually has a product or service to sell. Of course, those involved in the company recruit others and build teams. And, yes, individuals get a commission on the sales of their recruits. But the emphasis should be on actually selling a product or service, not just on recruiting other people into the company.
Everyone has heard stories of someone who struck it rich with a great idea or invention or became an overnight success. But that person may be the first to admit that a great deal of time and effort was spent coming up with that great idea or that wonderful invention. Becoming an overnight success may have taken years of persistence and patience. Almost every venture is the same the entrepreneur needs to spent time and effort and to have a great deal of persistence and patience to become a success. This same principle holds true for Christian mlm business ventures. Get-rich-quick schemes are for the naive and the foolish. King Solomon wrote: "The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not" (Proverbs 21: 25-26). A legitimate multi-level marketing company will not cater to greed and slothfulness. Christians should understand the rewards that come with hard work. By specifically researching Christian mlm business opportunities, people of faith can find a company that shares their same philosophies and principles for living. This information can be found by visiting the company's website, talking to others associated with the business, and looking up information on the company from consumer protection agencies. By carefully researching various companies, the aspiring entrepreneur is sure to find several that have a trustworthy reputation. By matching this short list of potential multi-level marketers with one's own interests, skills, and hobbies, the aspiring entrepreneur is taking a step toward earning income with a legitimate company.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of signing up with a Christian mlm business is that so much of the foundation for success has already been established. When an entrepreneur comes up with a business idea, his work has just begun. To launch the business, he has to write a business plan, raise capital, and create a marketing and advertising campaign. Depending on the product, he may have to figure out manufacturing options, employ a sales force, and design distribution channels. But an established multi-level marketing business already manufactures the product and provides marketing and advertising materials. The company should already have a strong track record of success. Though it's still a good idea to write one's own business plan that lists specific goals and objectives, the novice Christian mlm business person has a head start over the entrepreneur who is beginning from scratch. Her attention and effort can be directed to obtaining customers and building her own team. Ongoing training and other resources to help her succeed are almost always available from the parent company. She benefits from the company's promotional efforts as well as any advertising she can do on her own. When the entrepreneur has found a good match a reputable company with a legitimate product that supports its sales force all the time and effort, persistence and patience, will bear the fruit of honorable work. Getting rich quick probably won't happen, but that doesn't really matter for Christians who are more concerned with obtaining eternal riches.
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